【体育博彩软件app下载】Lecture by Prof. Liu Xiaoxing: About Financial Technology


 IEF Huanxiu Guo

At 12:30 pm of April 12, Professor Liu Xiaoxing, director of the department of Finance in the Southeast 体育博彩, was invited by the Institute of Economics and Finance (IEF) of Nanjing Audit 体育博彩 to give a talk on Fintech to students. This is also the sixth session of the serial “Runze” Forum Lectures organized by the IEF.

Financial Technology (Fintech) is a new trend in the development of China's financial industry in recent years. Due to the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing use of mobile technology and Big Data collection and analysis technologies in the financial industry, Fintech has had a huge impact on traditional banking activities, and other financial services, such as payment, investment, financing, asset management etc. In today's lecture, Prof. Liu systematically reviewed the Internet technology innovations that are taking place in the current financial industry, and explained the opportunities and challenges through examples of p2p lending, Crowd Raising, block chain and other specific examples. Prof. Liu also guided students on the critical thinking of how to seize the opportunity for personal development planning.

Prof. Liu’s talk in one and a half hours was very short. Students continued to ask Prof. Liu a lot of questions after the lecture. Some students questioned the protection of personal privacy in such a rapid development of Big Data technology. Some students asked that how to advance our school’s audit major in the context of financial industry restructuring. Some students asked question about how to learn the Fintech. In view of the questions of the students, Prof. Liu patiently answered one by one. At the end of the lecture, Prof. Liu encouraged students to learn from all sources and to specialize in one domain, which will gain us the future of Fintech.